
June 19th Presentation: Herp Population Dynamics at Leslie Canyon NWR

WHEN: Wednesday, June 19 at 7:15 pm
WHERE: Ward 3 City Building, 1510 E Grant Rd., Tucson, AZ

Mr. Bill Radke, Refuge Manager at Buenos Aires NWR, Leslie Canyon NWR, and San Bernardino NWR, will present a fascinating account of the population dynamics of reptiles and amphibians at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge.

The presentation will focus on the exciting results of an intensive 15-year sampling project at Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge in Cochise County, Arizona, which culminated in October 2014.

Studies such as this one are important for helping document species richness, understanding ecological trends, investigating population dynamics and the roles of rare species, and in helping justify resource management decisions.

Not only did this study document population dynamics and “spikes”, information gleaned from this extraordinary effort included:

  • Species richness
  • Periods of activity
  • Success of various trapping techniques
  • Longevity information
  • Response to precipitation
  • Relative abundance

Additionally, the project resulted in the capture and identification of a new mollusk species, and helped with the determination of a new mammal species.

Join us for pre-meeting eats at 5:30 pm:
Blue Willow
2616 N Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ